Wildlife Education

The Southwest Wildlife Foundation provides highly educational and entertaining birds of prey programs and field excursions for corporate retreats, yoga retreats, as well as family, church and community groups.

Classroom Wildlife Presentations

In Person Presentations

Have Birds Will Travel!

Martin and his birds travel throughout the Southwest to many different types of venues including classroom, auditoriums, libraries, parks and offices.

recommended for ages 10 and up

Livestream Presentations

Have Birds Will Stream!

Martin, his work, his birds, his dog, and his wife have become YouTube stars! We host a channel with over 125,000 subscribers and over 25 million views.

Via YouTube and Ecamm we are able to host personal interactive livestream by invitation only. This can include not only your classroom or event venue, but your broader community via a private YouTube link.

Educational Wildlife Presentations

field trip

The Southwest Wildlife Foundation provides highly educational and entertaining birds of prey programs and field excursions for corporate retreats, yoga retreats, as well as family, church and community groups.

Call for information or to schedule a program 435-586-4693 or 435-590-1618.

By sending an e-mail request to [email protected], the Southwest Wildlife Foundation will place you on their contact list to be notified of upcoming special events and activities.

Birds of Prey Program

The show was not only entertaining, but very educational and professionally presented. The birds are just spectacular to see..."
Norri Eells
PTA President, Dean La Mar Allen Elementary, Las Vegas, NV

The Southwest Wildlife Foundation offers "Birds of Prey," an exciting educational program. The audience enjoys beautiful slides of wild raptors, while Master Falconer and educator Martin Tyner teaches about these majestic birds. Identification, hunting, nesting behaviors and our shared environment are among the topics discussed in the presentation. A golden eagle named Scout is just one of the raptors accompanying Mr. Tyner in his live birds of prey program.

Call now to schedule a program (435) 586-4693 or (435) 590-1618.

Eagle Court of Honor

An Eagle Scout Court of Honor is a special experience for a young man who has earned scoutings highest award, the rank of Eagle Scout.

Mr. Tyner, accompanied by his golden eagle, Scout, provides a short inspirational talk about the qualities of an eagle and who an Eagle Scout should be; giving credit to all of the people who have helped the young Eagle Scout achieve such a distinguished award.

Call now to schedule a program (435) 586-4693 or (435) 590-1618.

Road Scholar Programs

Your knowledge and affection for your birds were inspirational.
- The Schneiders, Des Moines, Iowa

Road Scholar Programs are offered through many universities and colleges throughout the world. The Southwest Wildlife Foundation provides both the Bird of Prey program and field excursions to Road Scholar participants in conjunction with Dixie University of Utah.

Field Excursions

Have you ever wished you could get close to wildlife for great photo opportunities? Would you like to watch a falcon flying free, diving at its quarry at speeds up to 200 mph? Stand in the presence of a powerful golden eagle? Explore ancient petroglyph's and discover dinosaur tracks that are approximately 65 million years old?

Call for information about these once-in-a-life-time group tours 435-586-4693 or 435-590-1618.

Healer of Angels

Healer of Angels

Martin Tyner and his golden eagle, Scout, frequently make guest appearances at large expos and signings for his book, Healer of Angels, throughout the Western United States.

Learn more about his book, Healer of Angels.

Activities: Coloring Pages

Bald Eagle


Black Tail Rabbit


