Belle the Harris Hawk & Guests!
From September of 2019. Some excerpts from Susan & Martin’s trip up Wyoming. Belle went along and their family went out hunting with her. The second part includes Gayle Bass of TV show Right This Minute. She came up from Phoenix to visit with Susan, Martin and the critters for a day. Gayle is a huge support not only of SWF, but MANY wonderful charities. Our thanks to Gayle and Right This Minute for including us on their show! Links to their vids below:
▫️ Gayle Bass Goes Hunting with a Hawk
▫️ Saving a Rare White Belly Bald Eagle
▫️ Humans Rescue Wildlife in Need
▫️ Young Golden Eagle Bets the Help it Needs
▫️ Beautiful Golden Eagle Rescued From Roadside
▫️ Working Hard to Rescue Injured Eagle
▫️ Eagle Ate So Much, She Can’t Fly
▫️ People Swoop in To Rescue Birds
▫️ Paralyzed Eagle Makes A Surprise Comeback